Safety notice

Safety notice regarding Covid-19 and our updated cleaning schedule for 2020, produced 27th May 2020

Dear guests,

Your safety has always been of paramount concern to us. Our wonderful maintenance team at Montclarholidays always strive to ensure the gardens, pool and houses are presented and cleaned to an extremely high standard, however we understand the current health crisis is worrying.

We want to reassure our guests that we are going the extra mile this year and on top of our usual high standards of cleaning, all the surfaces in the house will be disinfected before you move in and the house aired.

The pool is sterilised by Chlorine which eliminates any chance of infectious diseases being spread. We are following the guidelines released by the Centre for disease control which can be read here:

The Languedoc has seen a relatively low submission rate and we respectfully ask our guests to help keep it this way and to not travel if they or any member of their group suspects they have come in to contact with the virus.


The team at Montclarholidays


Great accommodation and lovely pool.